Monday, May 2, 2022

Der 2. Mai, 2022: Meine Blogs auf Deutsch

Heute war ein sehr anstrengender Tag. Ja, Montag ist immer der arbeitsreichste und dieser war auch keine Ausnahme. Am Morgen um 5:45 machte ich meine Augen auf und dann machte nochmals für die nächsten 5 Minuten zu, aber ich wusste schon, , dass es nicht so lange dauern sollte. Ich wachte wieder auf und stand auf, und ohne zu baden und mir die Zähne zu putzen, ging ich direkt ins Arbeitszimmer und schaltete den Laptop ein. Ja, schon wieder Online-Unterricht. Der Morgenkurs dauert von 6:00 Uhr bis zu 8:30 und ich schwöre mir, dass das absolut anspruchsvoll ist, um diese Teufelzeit aufzustehen und zu unterrichten. 

Nach dem Unterricht machte ich eine Pause und legte mich wieder einmal ins Bett. Im Bett zu liegen ist mein Lieblingshobby. Das kann ich ganzen Tag ohne Pause machen. Um 9:00 habe ich eine neue Unterrichtsstunde. Sie dauert von 9:00 bis zu 11:30. Heute war der erster Tag dieses Kurses und die Lernenden gehöhren zur A1-Niveaustufe. Alle Lernenden standen unter einem doppelten Schock: neue Sprache - neue pädagogische Methode. In Indien ist es nicht so einfach, eine Fremdsprache zu unterrichten. Die Lernenden erwarten immer eine Übersetzung, aber so funktioniert es nicht, und in den ersten Tagen sind die Lernenden immer enttäuscht, weil sie eine andere Erwartung im Kopf hatten.  und in den ersten ein paar Tagen sind Lernende immer enttäuscht, da sie eine andere Erwartung im Kopf hatten. Aber man kann nichts dagegen tun. Nach einer oder zwei Wochen fühlen sich die Lernenden wohl und haben viel Freude an der Sprache.

Nach dem Unterricht aß ich zu Mittag: Reis und Daal, mein Liebelingsgericht. Dann machte ich ein nicht so kleines Nickerchen und stand direkt um 14:15 auf. Von 14:30 bis zu 17:30 hatte ich noch einen Kurs. Aber während des Unterrichts kam das ganze Team von Klempnern und ich musste mal hin und hier laufen. Die hatten ihre Aufgabe fertiggemacht. Das hat mich etwa 10.000 Rupien gekostet. Das war zu viel für diese Aufgabe aber ich hatte gar keine andere Option. Es gibt viel Mangel an qualifzierten Handwerkern und man muss den von ihnen verlangten Betrag bezahlen. Aber eine große Aufgabe ist letztendlich geschafft. Ich bin sehr froh.

Am Abend hatte ich zum Glück keinen Unterricht. Ich erldigte übrige wichtige Arbeiten und genoß meinen Abend mit meiner Familie.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

100 Things to do before I die...

  1. Do C2 German (done)
  2. Do MA German (done)
  3. Do MA English (done)
  4. Clear Net German
  5. Do Ph.D. German
  6. Do C2 French (A1 done)
  7. Do C2 Spanish (A1 done)
  8. Learn Good Sanskrit (already started)
  9. Buy an iPhone with earned money (bought iPhone 15)
  10. Buy an Apple Laptop with earned money
  11. Buy Play Station (done)
  12. Buy a beautiful house with earned money (done)
  13. Buy a Honda City with earned money (not needed now, got Honda Amaze. It is much better than Honda City)
  14. Buy an awesome cruiser bike.
  15. Buy an awesome SUV
  16. Visit South Goa (done)
  17. Visit Auroville (done)
  18. Visit Kerala (Kanyakumari, Trivendrum, Kochi, Kozhikode, Alapuzha, Waynad)
  19. Visit Germany (Berlin done)
  20. Visit Austria (done)
  21. Visit Japan
  22. Visit Upper North Goa
  23. Visit Kanyakumari  (done)
  24. Visit Andaman Nicobar Island
  25. Visit Lakshwadeep
  26. Visit Kashmir
  27. Visit all states of India (Kerala, Tamilnadu, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Karnataka, Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra, West Bengal)
  28. Visit Greece
  29. Visit Switzerland
  30. Visit Finland
  31. Visit Iceland
  32. Visit Greenland
  33. Visit Antarctica
  34. Visit Dubai
  35. Visit New Zealand
  36. Visit the USA
  37.  Visit Canada
  38. Visit Mexico
  39. Visit all the continents (Asia, Europe)
  40. Visit space
  41. Visit moon
  42. Bike trip to all the beautiful places in Uttarakhand
  43. Bike trip to all the beautiful places in Himachal
  44. Learn car driving (done)
  45. Learn swimming (done)
  46. Learn tarot card reading (done)
  47. Read Geeta (done)
  48. Read Rigveda
  49. Read Yajurveda
  50. Read Samaveda
  51. Read Atharvaveda
  52. Do Bungee Jumping
  53. Do Helicopter riding
  54. Have 6 pack abs.
  55. Do River rafting
  56. Do Paragliding  (done)
  57. Do Bungee jumping
  58. Do dirt biking
  59. Ride to Leh Ladakh on bike
  60. Have a beautiful garden
  61. Publish my own book
  62. Write a song for a film
  63. Do astral travel
  64. Be a monk for some time
  65. Be a student of Xiaolin temple
  66. Learn Mix martial arts
  67. Learn Guitar (trying)
  68. Learn Veena
  69. Learn dancing
  70. Learn flute
  71. To work in theater
  72. To work in a film
  73. To publish a newspaper (done)
  74. To have a big library at home. (done and now not required)
  75. To attend a live comedy show.
  76. To perform in a band
  77. Learn palmistry
  78. Learn to read Kundli
  79. Learn NLP
  80. Be a lawyer
  81. Present at least one case in court
  82. Bring change in the education system in India
  83. See live snowfall

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Learn any Foreign Language...with zero effort.

5 Simple ways to enhance Foreign's Language vocabulary without much effort

1. Change your desktop's/Laptop's/ language to the targeted Language.

If you use you desktop on daily basis, you will learn atleast 5-10 new words every day.

2. Change your Facebook's language to the targeted Language.

3. Play all our favorite Games in the targeted Language.           

Awesome medium to get new vocab.

4. Now it's your cell's turn. Change its language to the targeted language.

Now everytime you check your mobile, you will learn something new.

5. What's better than whats app. If you use it frequently, just change its language to the targeted  language. 

You know your whatsapp usage. Just go on!


Monday, January 26, 2015

7 Stupid Logic used in Indian Advertisement

1. Fairness Creams make your fairer, from top to toe! 

Ear, neck, shoulder, back, small works.
Source Image: Google Image Search

2. A Deodorant can make others' wives fall for you!

Kaash wo bhi deodorant lagate ya kabhi kabhi naha he lete..:P
Source Image: Google Image Search

3. Girls even have to fight aliens during their periods! 

Saari Musibate inhe dino aani thi...!!!
Source Image: Google Image Search

4. A girl sitting in a luxurious low-mileage car prefers a guy riding an economic high-mileage bike.

Yeah..Yeah..I love Cheap Bikes...Ahhhh
Source Image: Google Image Search

5. Generally, In a lift, you will find the most sexy girls.

tu to seediyo se ja, pure mohalla kharab kar rakha hai.
Source Image: Google Image Search

  6. People use stupid medicines for their body ache even when the right medicine is at home! 

Beta medicine table pe he padi thi..
Source Image: Google Image Search

Agar school gyi hoti to dawai ka naam padh leti..
Source Image: Google Image Search

7. Toilet cleaner works beyond its reach.

Zara so lagao...
Source Image: Google Image Search

Dekha,,floor tak saafho gya..sach mei kifaayti
Source Image: Google Image Search

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Year More or A Year Less!

Welcome to 2015. A brand new year with brand new saturdays and sundays
Last year has gone, but it was never easy. Many difficult decisions were made. Some were right, some were wrong. Some pushed me up, some put me down.
I apoligized to few, forgot few, let few go, called few in. Circles got changed. People got changed. Places got changed.
Altogheter, it was a roller coaster ride. 
I always used to think a very famous proverb as just a bookish one but now I understand its real meaning, 'Time teaches everything'. It does.

'Life is a journey. Somebody can walk with you, but no one will walk for you'
At the end, it is your life, your decisions, your happiness. Let others talk. No will die for you. (If somebody does, never let him/her die).

I came across few people, Who, I believe, shouldn't have born (by few, I mean more than few).
I came across few other good people (by few, I literally mean few).
Few who are always in busy in making plots against others (That's what keep them happy, let them be).
Few other who are good (but they  hardly speak against bad people. That's why I don't want be pure good).

After all wrong decisions, bad mistakes, ill-implemented plans, poor focusing; I got new lessons, new learnings. With every step, I became bit stronger. I can feel it even in my ribs. 
It's a bad bad world only if you pay attention to it.

'If you want to live fearless, always have options'
I work under somebody. That somebody works under other somebody. Chain goes on. Pressure and tension flow via this chain. If you want to live few inches away from the bad part of the chain, then have other options open.
Or else, you will have to listen to those who are not even capable of thinking (We can call them less-intellecutal, that sounds formal).

'Start Believing, and Work for it'
Nobody will do it for you. You will have to move your ass, if you want to change it. I know, at times, it will be very difficult, but believe me, It wouldn't be as difficult as not doing it. People will criticize your decisions and actions (They will, even if you don't do it), don't worry about them. After sometime, they will follow you. you just have to be true to yourself. Remember the 7 deadly sins.

Last year was the year of decisions and changes. I went for them. This year might pay it off. Let's see.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

7 Sins that will take you to the hell

From Dante's 'Inferno'

1. Lust 


2. Gluttony 

3. Greed 

4. Sloth/Laziness 

5. Wrath/Anger 

6. Envy/Jealousy 


7. Pride

Pride, arrogance, behaving superior to others are the biggest sin. 

Special Note: All types of crime are children of these 7 deadly sins.