Saturday, February 11, 2012

One wrong call..few memories dialled

16th December 2011

Day was kind of gloomy. In the morning, around 11, I went to college since today was my telephonic interview with Capital IQ which deals with some financial information providing service. 11 other hard students were in the competition. Shampa, Salil and other with high-impact communication skills were in the queue. I was not even a match to their powerful mind. All were busy in mugging the notes, about the company, containing tonnes of information.
I went to Swati. She was also there.

‘Hi Neeraj, all prepared?’

‘na, I woke up at 9:45 in the morning. Did nothing all night.’ I was honest.

Then we entered into the room where all other candidates were sitting. Then the time came when we were to talk over phone. My first-ever telephonic interview.
I wanted Swati to get selected as I was not sure about my selection and very few financial companies come to our college. Capital IQ was one of those few companies. One by one everyone entered into the faculty room where telephonic interview was scheduled. But to our surprise, interview didn’t even last for a minute. Then came my turn. I went and picked up the receiver.

‘hello ma’am.’

‘hello, can you please confirm your name?’ a female voice asked the question. Hesham told me that the interview was a lady.

‘my name is neeraj pant.’

‘please tell me about your academic background.’

‘I did my bba from Chandigarh, Panjab University..blah blah blah..’

‘Will it be ok if you had to come to Delhi NCR for the interview?’
‘Yes ma’am, it will be very ok.’

‘that’s good. please pass the phone to next interfviewer.’

‘I am the last interviewer ma’am.’

‘ok, then pass the phone to faculty co-ordinator.’

‘sure ma’am, just wait for a while.’

Then I passed the receiver to the sir standing outside the room.
Srish and Shampa were also standing outside the room. Others had gone. I went to Srish. He asked me about the questions asked by the interviewer. I told him as it was.
Then the sir came out. I asked him about the date and time of the result. He assured me that they would send the mail regarding result.
Then I came out and Sami called me. He informed me about the meeting in conference hall for the Lucknow Half-Marathon. After some time, Sami came and we together went to conference Hall. Meeting was already being held. We took our seat. Meeting was as boring as always. It came to end and then I came to know that they had curtailed cultural part to some extent. We were asked to go to the stadium to fill 350 forms for the students participating in marathon.
So for this, I came to the conference hall. This was not fucking good. I really didn’t appreciated it.
I was feeling very hungry. Sami and I went to AIB department to meet a faculty. Nitin, an AIB student, was with us. He was in dancing group for the marathon.
Dancing in marathon! Who cares until cultural is there, so are we.
Faculty name was Prof. Aditi, around 45 plus woman with good nature and polite speaking manner. We did our work and then headed towards to mess. Nitin, MBA, joined us in between the way. We had our lunch. Today was Friday and sami had to leave for Namaj with Imran.
I went to the main building of the campus and then to the foyer afterwards and joined others who were to go to stadium. Winger was standing there. But no one seemed in hurry. Everyone was asking me about the interview.

‘how was the interview?’ asked Deepak.

‘I can’t say. It lasted just for few seconds. I couldn’t figure out if it was good or bad’ I replied with all genuineness.

‘you will get selected. There were only 14 students.’
Only 14 students! how many do you want to remove the ‘only’ tag?

‘I don’t know. Let the result decide that.’ I said with a smile.

Half an hour passed but still winger was in its motionless state. Some were not present. Some were having samosa-chana outside the campus. After having such a heavy lunch of rajma and rice, I was feeling kind of sleepy. I waited for few minutes and seeing the unchanging condition of the group, I decided to go to the room and have a nice sleep. I did the same.
I woke up at around 6 in the evening. Nishant came and told me that I was not selected in the telephonic round. He was right. But Swati got selected. I was happy for her.
I called Saumya to join me in the mess for the tea. Swati and Preity joined us later. I congratulated Swati though I had done it over call. Afterwards we went to badminton court.
Today I matched with Akanksha, the girl who laughed at my game when I was just a beginner, but it was a double match. I wanted it to be single. Although we won and I felt satisfied, though half. I, surely, will play a single with her one day.
After dinner when all of us came to room, Arjit asked me to go to Fun tomorrow. So I thought to ask Saumya and Preity as well. I called Saumya and asked her to come. She was ready. Then I called Preity. She picked the call up. But this time her voice was different, it was meek and polite. I wondered why she was speaking in that way.

‘hello, Preity?’ I aksed. No anwer.

‘hello!’ I asked again.

‘who is it?’ the voice said.

‘this is Neeraj. Don’t do drama.’ I said.

‘Neeraj! You have called after such a long time. How come?’ the voice asked.

I didn’t get anything till I saw the display of mobile. I had called Preity UK instead of Amity Preity.
‘well, I just called like that. How are you?’ I bluffed.

‘I am fine,’ she  coughed 3 times. ‘don’t mind but right now I can’t speak to you. I will call you later.’

‘are you ok?’ I showed my concern.

‘yeah, I am ok.’

‘ok, then bye’

I hung up.
I don’t know why this incident took place. But her cute childlike voice has changed into a grown lady’s. She recalled me so easily. I thought that she must have forgotten me. But she has not.