Welcome to 2015. A brand new year with brand new saturdays and sundays
Last year has gone, but it was never easy. Many difficult decisions were made. Some were right, some were wrong. Some pushed me up, some put me down.
I apoligized to few, forgot few, let few go, called few in. Circles got changed. People got changed. Places got changed.
Altogheter, it was a roller coaster ride.
I always used to think a very famous proverb as just a bookish one but now I understand its real meaning, 'Time teaches everything'. It does.
'Life is a journey. Somebody can walk with you, but no one will walk for you'
At the end, it is your life, your decisions, your happiness. Let others talk. No will die for you. (If somebody does, never let him/her die).
I came across few people, Who, I believe, shouldn't have born (by few, I mean more than few).
I came across few other good people (by few, I literally mean few).
Few who are always in busy in making plots against others (That's what keep them happy, let them be).
Few other who are good (but they hardly speak against bad people. That's why I don't want be pure good).
After all wrong decisions, bad mistakes, ill-implemented plans, poor focusing; I got new lessons, new learnings. With every step, I became bit stronger. I can feel it even in my ribs.
It's a bad bad world only if you pay attention to it.
'If you want to live fearless, always have options'
I work under somebody. That somebody works under other somebody. Chain goes on. Pressure and tension flow via this chain. If you want to live few inches away from the bad part of the chain, then have other options open.
Or else, you will have to listen to those who are not even capable of thinking (We can call them less-intellecutal, that sounds formal).
'Start Believing, and Work for it'
Nobody will do it for you. You will have to move your ass, if you want to change it. I know, at times, it will be very difficult, but believe me, It wouldn't be as difficult as not doing it. People will criticize your decisions and actions (They will, even if you don't do it), don't worry about them. After sometime, they will follow you. you just have to be true to yourself. Remember the 7 deadly sins.
Last year was the year of decisions and changes. I went for them. This year might pay it off. Let's see.