Thursday, December 4, 2014

10 Signs that show that you are Creative!

1. You doodle a lot.

Bored in meetings? Here is the doodle man.

2. You don't have 'take-the-revenge' attitude.

You put your energy in something better.

3. You love to study subjects which are not in your course. 

4. You are not quick-witted. 

You need time to think and answer.

5. You fall in true love, very frequently.

I am in Love, Again...

6. Your dreams are so weird. 

I hope, It was a dream.

7. For you, Money doesn't come at first place. 

Making Life and Making living are two different things.

8. You like to be you own boss.

I love to follow myself.

9. You are bad at being serious.

I try a lot, but all in vain!

10. You ask lot of questions.

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